

  60年前的8月8日(美國時間),金鶯從聖路易搬到巴爾的摩,從1901年到1953年,當中只有嚐過一次季後賽;1966年,金鶯進入創隊以來第一次的季後賽,但這次他們拿下了世界大賽冠軍,為隊史第一冠;1969-1971連續打進世界大賽並奪得隊史第二冠、從1968-1985年勝率不曾低過5成,更不用說孕育出許多明星級的球員,包括Frank RobinsonBrooks RobinsonEddie MurrayCal Ripken Jr.Jim Palmer等,於今日回到Camden Yards,並參加賽前儀式。


  回到今日的比賽,三連戰首戰將碰上由大師之子Justin Masterson領軍的紅雀隊,結果金鶯打線大爆發,單場六轟轟垮紅雀,取得系列賽的第一勝,當中六轟分別是J.J.Hardy*2C.DavisM.MachadoR.FlahertyA.Jones,先發投手Tillman 6.2局只失兩分的優質先發也非常亮眼。





  「這一路走來我們感受著對方,沒有在誰比誰更優秀,我們都是平等的,這就是我們互相互動的方式」在金鶯待了六年的Frank Robinson說道。「而Dan Duquette Showalter之所以能夠獲得大家的信任就是因為他們倆把這種感覺找回來了。」



  (Frank RobinsonThe way we looked at each other, we felt about each other, no one was better or bigger than anyone else. We were all equal. That was the way we went about it.Hall of Famer Frank Robinson said of his six years as an Oriole. And Dan Duquette and Buck Showalter deserve a lot of credit for bringing that feeling back.

Here with this organization now, you're welcome. And the players are happy to see you and talk to you. The feeling is back here)





(BROOKS on if the Os could win the World Series…It's tough to win and I've seen the caliber of players on all the other teams, no reason we can't win this division," Brooks said. "After that, it's a little pot luck that's all. You got to play well, you are going to face better pitching. But the teams I see in the AL East now, the Orioles should win it. That's the way I see it.)



  相信我,這無疑是種慰藉。」Al Bumbry說道,「多年前,很難解釋為什麼金鶯隊會如此積弱不振。不過在這幾年,我變得非常樂意的與大家分享,這很容易也很明顯的看出他們做了什麼,這也讓我在與社區互動更有幫助。」


(Believe me, [the turnaround] is a relief," said Al Bumbry, who lives in Baltimore and is active in community events. "During those lean years it was difficult going out to the public and talking and speaking and trying to explain why the Orioles were in the state they were in. The last couple years it's been very enjoyable to go to the public and speak because it's easy to see what they are doing and obviously it makes my PRing for the Orioles much easier)."




(Added B.J. Surhoff: "I love it. I have been waiting for it. As you guys know, I live here, I've been here since I came here. … Rightfully so, the Ravens kind of dominate everything, all I saw was purple. But every time you turn on the game [now] I'm amazed by how much orange and black [you see]. When I drive down the street or go to a store and you hear people talking about it. The excitement is back and to me, I find great joy in that."


  金鶯隊為了迎接這些傳奇球星回來,特別製作了一段影片,播映在Camden Yards的看板上,片中一一介紹各種傳奇球星,雖然現在已不在球場上繼續奮鬥,但我相信這樣的記憶,將是他們共同的回憶。接下來一起欣賞以下的片段,屬於金鶯迷的回憶。






↑8月8號當天在Camden Yards盛大迎接典禮


  資料來源:Orioles celebrate 60 years with eye on future



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